Thursday, July 1, 2010

(not on a) Monday (and only marginally) Inspir(ed)ation

Dear blog reading people,

I have been unfaithful.  Wanton in my wanderings.  Nonblogging and nonplussed.  Blame it on summer.  Blame it on Bacardi.  Blame it on the rain (remember Milli Vanilli?)

But, and this is important, I have been drawing...

This little bird is capable of flight, but is resting at the moment.  Perched.

I think I was feeling a little disturbed when I did this one.  I was thinking about how all of the bees are dying and we don't really know why.  But I think this isn't about bees.  I think it's about me.  It's ALL about ME right?  Actually, I think all art is a self-portrait of sorts.  I have Frida Kahlo to thank for that realization. 

I am still doing the Sharpie/chalk pastel thing. 
It's so compact and quick.  In the sort of words of Regina Spektor, "You can (draw) but you can't edit."

This one feels sad and hopeful to me.

White blood cells? Maybe my immune system is getting stronger.

I call this Whirling Dervish.

Whirlybirds.  This looks Inuit to me.  Wow, I'm so multicultural!

This is my favorite of the bunch and obviously not an impromptu/automatic drawing. 
This is more of a four hour, second rendering kind of thing.  Happy abundant feelings.

So, I don't know...what have I been being inspired by?  I've been cooking alot.  You know all those weird cuts of meat that are in the back of the freezer?  Well, I've been cooking them.  So cooking and Zambonis.  Just the word Zamboni really.  I decided (with my friend Catalina) that they sound like yummy Italian sandwiches smothered in Marinara sauce.  Oh and we also came up with this idea...Dry Cleaning Drag Queens...The Musical.  So really random stuff.  I think I've been watching too much TV and having very symbolic dreams, but that's another blog post.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Inspiration~Our Deepest Fear

Here are my latest drawings.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
 we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.”

----from A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson.

A friend sent me this poem and it has been my inspiration for the week.  It reminded me that whatever we are and have inside of us (be it a gift like creativity or a character trait like compassion), we need to bring it to the table.  We shouldn't let fear (of the response of others or of failure) keep us from what we believe is our calling.  From honing and using our abilities in a way that is affirming to God, ourselves, and others.  It takes courage to put yourself out there and you're not doing anybody any favors by "hiding your light under a bushel basket". 

For me, getting deeper into my art has been a time of reckoning.  Cleaning house.  Because taking a step out is always a step of faith.  That your efforts will be rewarded.  That it'll work out somehow.  Even if there's only light for the next step (like on a horribly foggy day), TAKE that next step, whatever it is, and then the next one becomes clearer.  A process of discovery.  Learning to trust that process and trust God IS faith.

So whatever that next step is for you, whether it be a long overdue apology or picking up a guitar or putting down a substance you numb yourself with, I hope you respond to the light you've been given. Even if it's a tiny nudge like, "Say hi to your neighbor."  Even if it's a microstep like, "I'll put my journal on my nightstand."  Go for it!!  Do it!!  Then tell me about it.

Be inspired!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday inspiration~Community

Hello everyone!  This is my latest daily drawing.  I did do other drawings this week, but they were on commission so I don't want to share them here.  I also did a bit of designing for a class I am in.

This is a logo that I designed for myself that I may or may not actually use.  The requirements were very restricting so if I had free reign I might actually make something quite different.  Nontheless, I like it!  I hope you do too.  I also made letterhead, an envelope, and business cards to go with it as sort of an identity package.

So yes, hard at work.  Keeping up the pace.  Nice to be prolific!  Now, back to that drawing I showed you earlier....

I've just been showing you these drawings without really telling you that sometimes I AM thinking of something when I draw them.  Other times, I think of something after I draw it, sort of find a hidden significance.  So what about the one above you ask?  Well, I was thinking about what it means to live in relationship to others, in a true loving community.  How real communion with someone(s) is never a diminishing experience.  It is a place where all parties involved can express themselves fully because they are loved and safe.  Out of that fulness comes a true connection.  The rainbow is an image of individual colors that are clearly visible but merge with each other to become even more hues.  So when we connect with others in this healthy way, we can be more, do more than we could on our own.  I would hope that all of my close relationships are this way.  Of course there are things that you give up, things like total autonomy and personal space, but those should always be freely and generously given believing in exponential return, not begrudgingly. 

So as I sit in front of this glowing box plucking away at little black squares with letters on them, I am reminded that HERE, on this blog, I am building community.  To the extent which I am transparent and genuine, I am creating a space to express my genuine self to others.  An opportunity to connect to my would-be tribe of sorts.  And you, my reader, are invited to witness (and participate, if you wish) as I fumble my way along the path of "artist".  My triumphs and struggles become collective and potentially transforming in a way that is greater than if I kept it all to myself.  And for this great honor, I THANK YOU!!!

Be inspired!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday Inspiration

My last two posts, I've been sharing my daily drawings with you, giving you a glimpse into some of my creative endeavors.  I did do more this week, but really only one I care to share.

Today I will unveil something exciting and new......DESIGN SCHOOL!!!!  For the past five months,  I have been working through a graphic design program at Sessions College for Professional Design.  The program is out of New York and is totally online (no brick and mortar campus, as they say).  So far I am really enjoying it and getting a lot out of it.  I completed a couple of Photoshop classes, Illustrator and now I'm on to Indesign.  These are my favorite projects:

An invitation front and back.

My version of an ipod. Cute no?

I made the restaurant and menu items up too. Wish it was real. Yum.

Concert poster.  Have you heard him?  He's a mad genius.  My favorite kind of person.

So, it feels like I'm coming along nicely with all of this.  Don't really know where it's going to land me.  We shall see.  For now I'm just trying to enjoy the journey.  Hope you are too.  See you next week!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Monday Inspiration

I did more of my automatic drawings this week.

For those of you who hadn't tuned in to last week's post: these are small, quick, impromptu drawings that I try to do everyday.  Kind of a confidence builder as I tend to get stymied by perfectionism. 
An exercise in letting go if you will.

Now I am starting to wonder what I can do with them.  Notecards?  Pillows?  I don't know.  Just sort of kicking ideas around in my head.  Experimenting and exploring posssibilities.

What do you think I should do with these? 

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Inspiration

My dear blogosphere friends.  I know that all two of you are deeply disappointed that I have failed to post my Monday Inspirations for the past two weeks and that now I am finally posting a Monday Inspiration so late on a Monday that you are likely to not even notice it until Tuesday.  Indeed, I am remorseful. 

Today's inspiration is....ME!!  MIO!  I have been doing some abstract automatic drawings lately. 

They are small so they don't take long. 

 I use a sharpie and a few pastels so I don't overthink it.  I am a big overthinker.

 I just doodle with little or no idea of what I am making. 

 The cool thing is, this approach is somehow completely by-passing my inner critic. 
 It doesn't even bother showing up. 

The end result is I get to play.  That feels good.  That's why I liked art to begin with.

I realize these pictures are not perfect.  I just really wanted to share these with you.  Whoever you are.

That's me peeking from behind this one.  A personal fave.

And another.

I want to make this one into a leather applique.  Maybe for a purse.

I realize this is an art blog and this is the first time I have actually posted any of my art. 
So, it took me a while to warm up, I guess.  Who knows, maybe I'll do one every day and  then post it.  Some of these would make cool paintings too.  It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you begged me to make you a copy of one.   Just saying.  Ok peeps, I'm tired.  Be inspired!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Inspiration

Today's inspiration is....SPRING!!!! 

Even though it's not officially spring yet, I could feel it in the air today.  It was such a gorgeous day that it made me feel happy, light, kind of like this...

Did you feel it too?  All giddy and bouncy?  Did you get outside and soak it up?  I hope so. 

I was walking in downtown Pleasant Hill when a light breeze kicked in and blew hundreds of blossoms around me.  It was one of those picture perfect moments when everything just felt right.  Hmm, this reminds me of a favorite song and gives me an idea for a painting...

After this blissful moment I went to fetch my dog for a walk.  She is living with my niece and her family because we are living with my brother (who already has two cats).  This brings me to a reality about my life that I haven't exactly broadcast.  We're living with my brother because we don't have jobs and are on welfare.  There. I said it.  I'm trying to be more transparent and bring people into my process as an artist, and my financial situation is a BIG part of my artistic journey right now.

You know, I'm actually not that down about it.  After we lost the house and divested ourselves of half of our earthly belongings, I honestly felt...relief.  Debt and junk can really way you down in a way that you become numb to until it's gone and you feel like you're an inch off the ground, buoyant.  Am I making sense?  

Anyways, blah blah blah, I hope I'm not rambling.  One of the cool things about  "losing it all" (I haven't really) and "hitting rock bottom" (I've really had it harder than this) is there's nowhere to go but up (I'm hoping).  You kind of get to scrap it all and start all over.  It's actually kind of exciting.  I always said I wanted to be a starving artist and well...I DID IT!!  Hurray for me! (note sarcasm please)

I guess it helps that I'm one of those people that believes that everything happens for a reason, whether immediately tangible or not.  And that, I'll be ok and even beyond that, this could do me some good - if I let it.  My dad says, "What doesn't kill you makes you fat."  Ha!  He makes me laugh.  There's another gift...humor.  Very thankful for the ability to laugh in the face of adversity.

So, in light of these facts which I have divulged to you, you can see perhaps a bit more of the importance that I succeed (whatever that means) in this pursuit of mine to take my art thing to the "next level".  There's definitely some angst there. 

So now you know.  And if you haven't already, I hope you go outside, laugh at your troubles, count your blessings, and do a snoopy dance. 

Peace out.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Inspiration

So today's inspiration is.....drum roll please....NADA.  I know I have LOTS of things that get my creative juices flowing, but today, truth be told, juices have been extracted.  My essence!   Nooooooo!

Wait? So I guess that means I'm being inspired by the Dark Crystal and Jim Henson. Huh! And here I was all set to be uninspired.  Go figure. 

Hopefully next week my juices shall be restored and I will do a longer post.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Inspiration

Ok, so it's late Monday, but I still have a few hours.  Lots of sad things have been happening in the world lately, and in my life too really.  Inspiration can be hard to come by, but right now I am really up!  I think it's this crazy Kink's song I am rocking out to..."Picture Book".  Actually, that's an amazing segway to today's inspiration - children's books!!!

My first foray into children's books was our Lippencott readers in Kindergarden.  I was four years old when I read my first words.  MAGIC!!

After that some of my favorites were...

How about you? What are your faves?

My first attempt at writing a children's book was, I think, in third grade.  We had first grade buddies and I made my buddy an elaborate halloween book in the shape of a haunted house.  I worked so hard on it, but found it pure joy.  I remember the mother of my buddy being so impressed with it that she personally delivered handmade treats to me and thanked me profusely in front of the whole class.  I couldn't understand why she was making such a big deal out of it, but was thrilled with the rice krispy balls!

This interesting artifact is the inside cover to a journal a friend gave me in 1988 (my junior year of high school).  This was the first time I really thought of being a children's book author/illustrator.  I was 16.

I have an absurdly large collection of children's books.  Some that are mine from childhood, some I bought as an adult before I had kids, and then, of course many that I bought for my girls.

I've even been known to scour thrift store shelves looking for out of print treasures. This was one of my favorite finds (below).  I am mildly obcessed.

I guess I love their directness.  The vivid imagery.  The way they gently point out the absurdity of the adult world.  So much can be said with so few words. I have read some children's books (like Peach and Blue below) that have brought me to tears with their simple beauty.

I'm sure many of you know that tomorrow is Dr. Suess's birthday (ironically, it is also my wedding anniversary!!)  He is the king of modern children's literature and definitely an inspiration.  A total original.

Happy birthday Dr. Seuss and Happy Anniversary to me and my hubby.  I would love to hear about your favorite books as a child, or your family's favorite read-aloud and I hope you've been inspired to...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monday Inspiration

I don't know if you've noticed but I am trying to blog more lately. I am very slow to accomplish things that I have in my head, maybe because I am busy with a family? No matter, I hope you are enjoying this new feature and using it to jumpstart your week like I am!!

This week's inspiration is another artist and blogger who calls herself Du Buh Duh (doo bah doo). She makes THE MOST AMAAZING DOLLS!! (copyright protected, of course)

Tallulah and Green PearsShop Update

I mean seriously, they look like they have souls no?
It's not just the beautifully sculpted and painted faces that inspire me
but the gorgeous clothes so intricately detailed.

A beautiful Frida.


She also makes these dreamy scenes with the dolls.
My favorite is the gypsy caravan.


If you know me very well then you know that gypsy has always been my favorite Halloween costume and that I entertain the idea that I have gypsy blood.


I want to shrink and live in this caravan!!


Maybe I will make a doll someday (wistful sigh).
I hope you've enjoyed our little foray into art dolls, and I wish you a fabulous Monday.
Now take this inspiration and MAKE SOMETHING GREAT!!