I don't know if you've noticed but I am trying to blog more lately. I am very slow to accomplish things that I have in my head, maybe because I am busy with a family? No matter, I hope you are enjoying this new feature and using it to jumpstart your week like I am!!
This week's inspiration is another artist and blogger who calls herself Du Buh Duh (doo bah doo). She makes THE MOST AMAAZING DOLLS!! (copyright protected, of course)
I mean seriously, they look like they have souls no?
It's not just the beautifully sculpted and painted faces that inspire me
but the gorgeous clothes so intricately detailed.
A beautiful Frida.
She also makes these dreamy scenes with the dolls.
My favorite is the gypsy caravan.
If you know me very well then you know that gypsy has always been my favorite Halloween costume and that I entertain the idea that I have gypsy blood.
I want to shrink and live in this caravan!!
Maybe I will make a doll someday (wistful sigh).
I hope you've enjoyed our little foray into art dolls, and I wish you a fabulous Monday.
Now take this inspiration and MAKE SOMETHING GREAT!!