Ever since my own profound experience of healing through artmaking, I have been deeply interested in continuing to learn and explore ways to use the creative process to restore our spirits. Melody Ross has long been a source of ideas and inspiration to me in this area. That's why I was so excited when she announced her new course Soul Comfort.
Soul Comfort makes use of two of the best techniques I know for reflection and growth: journaling and art. But the best part about this class is that the focus is on making the projects portable, easy to jump in and out of and with minimal mess. Isn't that what we need?! I don't know about you, but I struggle to find long stretches of time to make complex pieces of art and my family is tired of me taking up the living room with all of my supplies. And yet, I still long for that nurturing creative time.
Here's what Melody has to say about it...
"One of the most wonderful things about this course is that everything fits into one fabric tote bag . . . I wanted to create a whole course where all of the supplies fit into a tiny space so that you could take it everywhere you go…so that you could do it sitting on your bed, on your couch, with your family, do it with your children, in the car, wherever your day takes you. It’s incredible. This has changed my life. This has been something that I have used on my own and I can’t wait to share it with you.”
Because I believe that you NEED to take this time for yourself and your creativity, ESPECIALLY when you are busy, I am honored to be offering a FREE spot in this course.
How Susan? How do I enter?
It's easy! Just leave a comment below answering the following question:
Why do you think women have a hard time with self care? And how do you think this Brave Girl class might help you get through the holiday season?
See? Nothing to it. GOOD LUCK!!
Giveaway closes Monday September 23rd at Noon PST. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on this blog by 3pm PST. Soul Comfort eCourse begins September 24th.
Comments for this giveaway are now closed.
And the winner is...................
Giveaway closes Monday September 23rd at Noon PST. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on this blog by 3pm PST. Soul Comfort eCourse begins September 24th.
Comments for this giveaway are now closed.
And the winner is...................
Carrie Lynne
Congatulations Carrie! Brave Girls will contact you shortly regarding your registration. Enjoy Soul Comfort!!
I don't know why other women have a hard time with self care, but I know I personally have had difficulty with it. I think that somehow I have gotten the idea (from my upbringing?) that it is "selfish", i.e. negative, to want to do something for myself. I was taught it is better to care for and do things for others, and I "should" be happy about it. Now, as I have aged and I know intellectually it is a good thing to put my own well-being high up on my priority list, I must admit honestly there is still a bit of guilt I feel when I do. I am working on that!
ReplyDeleteAs far as the holiday season goes, I think this will help me get through it without feeling like I have to spend every second of free time I have making gifts and preparing stuff for everyone else. At least that's my hope!
I think women often forget to reach for the proverbial oxygen mask to breathe before we reach out to help others.
ReplyDeleteI think Soul Comfort would be a great reminder to self-nurture during the holiday season which was originally created to help us joyfully celebrate our faith instead of approach it with anxiety and dread.
Many women struggle with self care because we are so used to taking care of others. We seldom stop to reflect and think about ourselves. For me, I've been so wrapped up in the scouting realm and home schooling and home based businesses that I often forget about doing anything for me. I haven't crafted in ages!
ReplyDeleteSoul Comfort would be a chance to see how I can get that creative time with very little work. I love the idea of everything being in one little bag that I can do whenever, wherever. With the upcoming holiday, it would give me a fresh perspective I think.
If other women are like me then I think self care is difficult because they don't feel they "deserve it". I have a really hard time accepting that self care is not selfish, and it is actually very much deserved most of the time. I think women especially have a tendency to feel like we are only worthwhile or useful when we are serving others, but how can we do that if we are burnt out?
ReplyDeleteI think this class would help a lot over the holiday season because the holidays can be very overwhelming for me. I try to do too much for everyone else and not enough for myself and end up dreading it instead of enjoying it like they should be.
I always have such a long list of things that need to get done and never really think about putting me on that list! Until something is broken or falling apart inside of me, I don't focus on the care and upkeep of me. That has slowly been changing as I connect with other women who are struggling the same way. I worry about the upcoming holidays simply because my world has taken such a dramatic turn this year and everything will be different. I want to start preparing now, so that the "different" is very positive and uplifting, not sad and lonely.
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ReplyDeleteI believe that most people, especially women with our sensitivities and overwhelming responsibilities, were not raised or taught the tools and importance of self care, whether by our families, teachers, the media, our friends... and that self-care, in many of our minds, socially translates into selfishness by the masses (for whatever their reasons are). I personally have struggled desperately with self care (and it's very important counterpart self soothing), and believe a generous offering like yours, might not just only teach Me/Us the tools needed to survive confidently through the Holiday season... but also through life. Peace and Love
ReplyDeleteP.S. I ADOOORE the concept of "everything fits into one fabric tote bag". People laugh at Me because I always "Carrie" (teehee) my own tote bag. They call it clutter... I call it "My Potential Essentials"!! Books/Zines (ALWAYS...to read to lend to give), toys (to give to someone I may encounter who needs a smile), cards with a large pencil case filled with the markers tapes stickers stamps etc, (I may need in a pinch if I hear of someone in need of a little love), etc.GREAT GREAT CONCEPT!! xxO
ReplyDeleteWomen have a hard time taking care of themselves because we are pre-disposed to taking care of everyone and everything else first. There is rarely time or energy left at the end of the day to take care of self without really making a strong effort to fit it in. And sometimes, we are just too exhausted to get there.
ReplyDeleteI have taken all of the Restoration classes designed by Brave Girls' Club and it has only been through taking these courses that I have learned how and why I need to take care of myself. It's the first time in my life that I am doing so and not feeling guilty about it. Soul Comfort would be the perfect continuation of self-care coursework for me so that I could make it through the holiday season with my sanity intact. I can't wait to sign up!!
I am learning self care. I know with myself I had a lot of responsibility at a very young age that continued til this year when my last one graduates from college. I was always last on the list, I blamed it on everything else but myself, we are our own worst enemies. Even though my family encouraged me at times, I almost ran away from it. And what I am finding that happy on the outside, not to happy on the inside. Don't get me wrong Love my family and all the volunteer work etc. but had lost myself. Seriously ....who am I. And I think with all the excitement with life, it distracts us from listening to our inner soul. So now I'm trying to listen, difficult task at times. I have followed "brave girl" for some time and have dreamed of doing the retreat or class, I love to hear the stories and the transformations it makes in women's lives.
ReplyDeletewomen make a list of all the jobs that need to be done - then there is no time left for self care. A class like this helps you to prioritise yourself.