Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Inspiration

My dear blogosphere friends.  I know that all two of you are deeply disappointed that I have failed to post my Monday Inspirations for the past two weeks and that now I am finally posting a Monday Inspiration so late on a Monday that you are likely to not even notice it until Tuesday.  Indeed, I am remorseful. 

Today's inspiration is....ME!!  MIO!  I have been doing some abstract automatic drawings lately. 

They are small so they don't take long. 

 I use a sharpie and a few pastels so I don't overthink it.  I am a big overthinker.

 I just doodle with little or no idea of what I am making. 

 The cool thing is, this approach is somehow completely by-passing my inner critic. 
 It doesn't even bother showing up. 

The end result is I get to play.  That feels good.  That's why I liked art to begin with.

I realize these pictures are not perfect.  I just really wanted to share these with you.  Whoever you are.

That's me peeking from behind this one.  A personal fave.

And another.

I want to make this one into a leather applique.  Maybe for a purse.

I realize this is an art blog and this is the first time I have actually posted any of my art. 
So, it took me a while to warm up, I guess.  Who knows, maybe I'll do one every day and  then post it.  Some of these would make cool paintings too.  It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you begged me to make you a copy of one.   Just saying.  Ok peeps, I'm tired.  Be inspired!!


  1. Hi Susan! I'm coming over from the fishbowl to check out your daily drawings! They are gorgeous! So much color and brightness! I especially love the one that you say is your favorite. I think a daily drawing is a fabulous idea! I can already see your unique style emerging just from doing a few of these! Yeah! I am inspired!

  2. I really like these! I feel the same as Eliza - love the colors and brightness. Keep posting!

